Rich Audio Podcast 李奇電台
我們探討 Z 世代如何結合多元文化影響與科技創新,塑造出一個充滿活力且前瞻性的自我。
This is a bilingual podcast. We have bilingual Closed Captions
Here we talk about how Gen Z integrates multicultural influences and technological innovation to shape a dynamic and forward-thinking identity
Rich Audio Podcast 李奇電台
Stereo English: 幫助你自然提升英語能力! EP 1 Presented by 【Rich Audio Podcast李奇電台】
歡迎來到 Stereo English! 🎙️✨
由 Richie 和 Ivan 主持,Stereo English 透過有趣的對話、故事和實用技巧,幫助你自然提升英語能力!
現在就放鬆心情,戴上耳機,讓 Stereo English 陪伴你,透過對話輕鬆學好英語! 🎧🚀
Welcome to Stereo English! 🎙️✨
Hosted by Richie and Ivan, Stereo English is here to help you improve your English naturally through engaging discussions, personal stories, and practical insights.
Our focus is on real-world communication. You’ll hear different accents, pick up useful expressions, and build confidence in speaking and listening.
Each episode dives into language learning tips, bilingual education, cultural insights, and fun experiences from both of us. Whether you’re an English learner, a teacher, or simply love languages, there’s something here for you!
So sit back, tune in, and let Stereo English guide you toward better English—one conversation at a time. 🎧🚀
### Stereo English - Episode 1 學習指南
#### 1\. 開場問候 (Greetings & Introduction)
- 英文:"Welcome to Stereo English, we're your hosts. I'm Richie and I'm Ivan."
- 中文:「歡迎收聽 Stereo English,我們是主持人 Richie 和 Ivan。」
#### 2\. 分享個人經驗 (Sharing Personal Experiences)
- Ivan提到教學第一天使用的句型:
- "Today I took a class in an elementary school..."
- 「我今天在一間國小上課⋯」
#### 3\. 建立連結 (Building Connections)
- 英文句型重點:"Try to build a connection with the students."
- 中文說明:「試著與學生建立連結。」
#### 4\. 課堂動機與興趣 (Classroom Motivation)
- 英文重點句子:
- "Grab their attention and build a connection."
- 「抓住學生的注意力並建立連結。」
#### 5\. 雙語教學的誤區 (Misunderstandings of Bilingual Teaching)
- 關鍵句型:
- "A lot of people think a bilingual lesson should be taught entirely in English."
- 「很多人認為雙語課程必須全英文進行。」
- 語言學習要點:
- 課堂規則要清晰:「Rules should be clear and direct.」
#### 6\. 雙語體育課活動 (Bilingual PE Activities)
- 活動描述重點句子:
- "Separate the class into two groups."
- 「將班級分成兩組。」
- "The easiest way for students to know each other is through communication."
- 「學生最快認識彼此的方式就是透過溝通。」
#### 7\. 片語學習 (Phrase Learning)
- 本集重點片語:"On the other hand"
- 用法解釋:「另一方面」
- 例句:"On the one hand, it's fun. On the other hand, it's challenging."
- 「一方面很有趣,另一方面也很有挑戰。」
#### 8\. 任務導向學習法 (Task-based Learning)
- 核心概念:"Focus on completing tasks rather than just language forms."
- 中文說明:「專注於完成任務,而不僅僅是語言的形式。」
#### 9\. 學生中心 vs. 教師中心 (Student-centered vs Teacher-centered)
- 重要教學觀念:
- "The lesson should be student-centered, not teacher-centered."
- 「課程應該以學生為中心,而非老師為中心。」
#### 10\. 結語與節目宗旨 (Closing and Purpose)
- 重點句子:
- "This podcast helps you learn English freely without pressure."
- 「這個 Podcast 幫助你在沒有壓力的情況下自由地學習英文。」
透過以上內容,希望能協助你更有效率地掌握本集 Stereo English 所傳達的重要語言概念與教學元素。